foto: allen browne 2012

we – the members of danse brute – are very different, neuro- and generally diverse, and that is the starting point and at the same time the challenge of our training, rehearsals and performances. the real, political message of our work lies in the equality of all those involved (including the audience, who are called upon to complete what they have seen using their own imagination). we understand “political”, derived from the greek “polis” – community – i.e. “serving the community” by cooperating on an equal level.

new logo 2024!
artists: luna scheib and
david ender

michael turinksky on danse brute

you can read the (german) text by the theorist, philosopher and choreographer michael turinsky here

not a toy 2024

danse brute not a toy march 2024, photo: mischa kirisits

9. märz 2024, alte wu festsaal, 1090 wien and
26. märz 2024, alte küche in der semmelweisklinik, 1180 wien

our piece “not a toy” is about “dancing for the sake of dancing”: dance, not as a representation of feelings or stories, but as an aesthetic event. what the audience sees in the simple stage design are dances and sounds that rhyme but are not dependent on each other. the spoken texts, the live sounds produced by the musician david ender, the “suite for toy piano” played by ender and the pop music from the portable party box alternate and stand equally alongside room-filling choreographies and selective improvisations.
we are supported by the district counsels of the 9. and 18. districts in vienna

danse brute 2024: who are we?

danse brute 2023/2024 not a toy, foto: videostill s.browne

sonja browne. born in vienna. private dance training, studied social work and theater studies. dancer with editta braun, willi dorner, hubert lepka, olivier gelpe. teaching and touring in germany, france, japan, hungary, luxembourg, switzerland, ecuador. founding of the two inclusive dance ensembles danse brute (1999) and tanzmontage (2013). scientific assistant to dr. andrea amort.

david ender. born in wodonga, australia. musician, performer, writer (gav member), fermenter, translator and general improviser. writes experimental crime novels together with jack hauser and is a member of the editorial board of the internet magazine corpus.

violetta höhn. born in vienna. together with her family, she is a pioneer of the debra movement in austria, which, founded 25 years ago as a self-help group, is committed to research, healing and a better everyday life with the butterfly disease epidermolysis bullosa. dancer, visual artist: self-taught and as a student of sonja browne, ensemble member of danse brute since 2020.

denise kessler. born in mannheim, germany. dance training in mannheim, bachelor’s degree in biology and cultural/social anthropology. dance trainer and companion in inclusive settings. currently training as a health and fitness instructor at the university of vienna, member of the danse brute ensemble since 2023.

steve macmillan. born in germany. psychosocial consultant, conversation trainer, lecturer, moderator, trainer for relaxation, mindfulness & meditation (especially mindfulness-based relapse prevention), team and department leader, ensemble member of danse brute since 2023.

luna scheib. born in vienna. dancer with ich bin ok, t21büne and idance company. commercial assistant active at wins job, member of danse brute since 2022.

emil trainacher. born in vienna. dance lessons with gabriele seeleitner, atilla zanin (i’m ok), sonja browne & ariel uziga, akos hartigay (parcour). currently training at ita gem. gmbh in vienna (individualized partial training for young people with disabilities), member of the danse brute ensemble since 2022.

ariel uziga. born in buenos aires, argentina. free study of dance & acting in buenos aires. 2006 to 2018 dancer in the serapions ensemble, odeon theater vienna. ariel uziga teaches feldenkrais, improvisation and dance composition in europe and south america and creates spaces for dialogue and exchange in these areas, and has been an ensemble member of danse brute since 2020.

danse brute not a toy at the kunst.fest währing 2023; video: lisa hochrainer


2024 „not a toy“ (alte wu; semmelweisklinik wien, leitung: s.browne)

2023 „not a toy“ (kunst.fest währing, semmelweisklinik wien, leitung: s. browne)

2023 „etüde a. flotter dreier“

2019 „metatango“ (teilnahme von christian polster und sonja browne am symposium „FCCC´ing ImPulsTanz“ im rahmen von ImPulsTanz 2019; sound: julian siffert)

2012 „charly k.o.“ (3raum-anatomietheater wien; Łódź/polen; choreography: g. seeleitner)

2011 „narcissus project“ (kabelwerk wien; choreography: m.turinsky)

2010 „fort von hier mit hermes“ und
„hermes im park“ (vienna international theatre; pötzleinsdorfer schlosspark; choreography: s. browne)

2008 „triangulum“ (theater des augenblicks wien; choreography : a. mairoser),

  „rücksicht auf darstellbarkeit“ (theater des augenblicks wien; choreography: m.turinsky)

2007 „flamenco“ (festival sich:wechsel linz; kulturtage reutlingen/ brd; choreography: s. browne)

„entdeckung der langsamkeit“ (wien; choreography: s. browne)

2006 „in-mich“ (historische bühne vhs ottakring; choreography: s. browne/ video: m. loizenbauer)

„escher“ (wien; choreography: s. browne)

2005 „fliegen“, „xanadu“, „two“ (vienna international theatre; choreography: s. browne)

2004 „nachbarn“ (wien; choreography: s. browne)

2003 „lilith“ (jüdisches institut für erwachsenenbildung wien; choreography: s. browne)

1999 „eines tages …“ (theater des augenblicks wien; choreography: s. browne)

danse brute: charly bei ikea, 2012, choreography: gabi seeleitner, music: julian siffert, video: oskar fischer; special guest: karl fischer

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